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Understanding Yoga as a Physiotherapy Technique

Medicine is one of the broadest career fields one can engage in. There are different levels at which one can practice medicine. These levels depend on the specialization one focuses on as a medical practitioner. Physiotherapy is one of the medical specializations one can choose. This specialization involves the treatment of skeletal and muscular pain without using drugs or medicine. Physiotherapy focuses on the use of exercise and body movements as a remedy for physical pain. Hip pain is one of the most common forms of skeletal ailments people encounter. Hip pain cuts across all genders; however, it is most common in older people and strenuous activities. Yoga is among the top physiotherapy techniques used around the world. Several results have indicated the effectiveness of using yoga for hip pain.

What You Should Know About Yoga for Hip Pain

Yoga is an ancient practice from northern India. It involves a group of mental, physical, and spiritual practices to still the mind and strengthen the body. A person who specializes in practicing all the parts of yoga is called a yogi. The physical part of yoga is the most critical in physiotherapy. Several exercises, called poses, are used to remedy various skeletal and muscular pains. Some of the poses involved in yoga for hip pain include;

  • The warrior one pose– For individuals with hip power, flexibility, and stability problems, this is the pose recommended by many yogis. This pose requires one to keep their feet parallel with toes facing the top side of the yoga mat. One then bends a leg to a lunge position and raises their arms above their head. While doing this, the shoulder blades are squeezed together while the shoulders remain down. One must maintain this pose for a minimum of ten seconds before switching legs are repeating the same.
  • The frog poseThis pose targets the hips to increase circulation and improve posture. One should go onto all fours with palms and knees down on the yoga mat to attain this pose. One then widens their knees until a comfortable stretch while keeping the ankles, knees, and calves in line. One should then lower their forearm to be parallel with the mat and hold this position for a minimum of thirty seconds.
  • The pigeon poseThis pose is meant for releasing tension and increasing flexibility in the hip. To achieve this pose, one starts with a downward-facing dog pose, that is, pose on all fours while facing downwards. While at this position, one should move their right knee towards the right hand and keep it at an angle. With the right knee near the right hand and at an angle, one moves the left leg backward and straightens it as much as the muscles allow. With hips square to the floor, one should keep opening the hips as much as they can. Keeping hips square to the floor protects the back. Holding this pose for a minimum of three minutes guarantees excellent results.

Causes Of Hip Pain

Although yoga is effective for hip pain, it is better to avoid it than find a treatment. There are several causes of hip pain; understanding these causes makes it easy to find a solution for them. Some common causes of hip pain include;

  • Injuries– Injuries are the leading cause of hip pain in young people. Several outcomes of an accident could lead to hip pain. These include bursitis, dislocation, hip fracture, tendinitis, among others. Bursitis is a condition where the bursa, a liquid-filled sac near the hip, is inflamed.
  • ArthritisThis is the leading cause of hip pain in older people. Arthritis is considered a long-term cause of hip pain. It can lead to painful, stiff, and tender joints, making it difficult for affected persons to walk. In older people, arthritis results from the wearing down of cartilages surrounding the joints. This condition is known as Osteoarthritis.
  • Inflamed tendons are the leading cause of hip pain to athletes and other individuals involved in strenuous exercises. It is characterized by acute pain but heals after a few days.

Although physical exercises such as yoga can alleviate hip pain, one should see a physician in case of persistent pain. Hip pain could be an indication of a medical condition that could worsen if overlooked.

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